February 08, 2007

Dental Care - Getting your child to brush teeth

All parents know how much of a task it is to get a toddler to clean their teeth.

Parents must by all means be creative in finding ways to make tooth brushing a fun activity for your kid.

Brushing tips - Your toddler will love to have his or her own toothbrush and mimic you while you brush your teeth together. Brushing at the same time with your toddler provides motivation, makes it fun and gives them the chance to learn from you. Take turns to brush for each other!
You will have to do most of the brushing yourself before a child has the coordination to do it alone.

Story telling or singing helps sometimes. Engage your toddler with a fun story while you brush their teeth and you will be finished with the brushing before they know it.

Reward you child each time they agree to have their teeth brushed. Avoid rewards like candy or sweet stuff. Identify your child's favourite activity, like a game, coloring or a favourite book. Then participate with them as a reward. This habit can be a motivation for your child to brush.

Talk to them about the importance of brushing teeth. Go to the computer and show them pictures of teeth with decay and cavities. Explain how their not willing to brush can lead to that. I have come to know that children are very smart and they do understand more than we think they do.

Please find a Pediatric dentist who will provide you with more information and guidance in keeping your child's teeth healthy.

Please leave a comment and suggest tips on how to get children to brush their teeth. Every parent knows what worked for their child and we can all benefit from each other.

Thank you for your contribution.

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